Ophelia is a movie based on British-American historical romantic drama written by Semi Chellas and directed by Claire McCarthy, Also based on the Shakespearean character's of the same name and the novel by Lisa Klein. In this film the stars Daisy Ridley acts as the titular character, with Clive Owen, Naomi Watts, Tom Felton, George MacKay and Devon Terrell in supporting roles. The film is based on the story of Hamlet the prince of denmark, as told by Ophelia's perspective. The initial releasing of the movie Ophelia is 22th jan of 2018 at Sundance Film Festival. Upcoming releasing date of this movie in United States and United Kingdom is 28th June of 2019 by IFC Films. The official language of the movie is English with the duration of 107 minutes (2 Hour Approx.). Oliphia the movie is directed by Claire McCarthy and produced by Sarah Curtis, Paul Hanson, Daniel Banker and Ehren Kruger. The movie is fully based on the Hamlet by William Shakespeare Ophelia by Lisa Klei...
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